About Paul Burns

Paul spent nine years in North Wales and Merseyside before his family migrated to New Zealand in 1960. He studied psychology in Wellington and was a primary school teacher.

Returning to England in 1978, he worked in continuing education and organisation development. Between 2000 and 2007 he helped survivors of torture as a volunteer. Capturing the accounts of survivors for legal and therapeutic reasons re-ignited his interest in writing. He has a Certificate in Novel Writing from City University and also studied writing at the City Lit in London.

 From 2007 onwards he reduced the number of days he worked to make more time for writing and became a full-time writer in 2013.

Since 2015 he has convened creative writing groups for the University of the Third Age.

In 2017, he moved from Wembley to Bexhill with his partner, Sue, and their two cats, Bert and Doris. All are thriving on the sea air.

Doris and Bert, siblings, on a hot day.
Bert providing Paul with a gentle chin massage.

Below, photographs of Bexhill Beach taken on 9 October 2017.

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