
Whimsical Pieces

Note that some of the PDF's listed here contain the former HitC link or old contact data. These out-of-date items are exempt from the offer to reward people reporting errors with a copy of an e-book.  The offer stands for other typos.
On Ice - is every show better when staged on ice?

Some New Patron Saints - many patron saints assumed their roles over a thousand years ago. It is time for a new broom.

Diagnostic Criteria for a Bad Hair Day - this reflects my scepticism about the tick box approach to psychiatric diagnoses.

Limericks - inspired by events in the news

PIG Profile - my favourite icebreaker when I facilitated meetings or ran team building events.

Plain English Form - I designed this when I worked in adult literacy.

Spoof Classes - another item from my time in adult education.

A Table of Imperial Stochastic Measurements - inspired by the UK's dithering approach to adopting the metric system.

Sceptical Glossary - a sideways look at the curious things that some people believe in.
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